Hello everyone
If I write this today it is to thank our great saleswoman for this year, Miss Carole Yav, to be honest with you it was unimaginable for me that a someone who is on the market for merely 5 years can exceed my own experience in such a short period and with such a speed; So, to show good sportsmanship I decided to write this article to thank her first and also for pushing me to work more by herself always being competitive with me and over all for having set up strategies that pay.
Carole, I remember you a few years ago when I received an email from a young entrepreneur who may lacked the experience and carism but was full of ambitions, what pleased me a lot is the fact that you had the drive and vision of an entrepreneur, also you innate talent of describing your situation, I remembered at the time you had no diploma nor experience in the circles of drope shipingue even on our first interview on skype the only thing you defended for almost 45 minute was your will and drive to surpass everyone, I still remember this conversation that was extra ordinary to say the least, and I never regreted betting on your ever since, seeing how smoothly you integrated in our system of dropshepere.
It must be said that it is thanks to my recommendation that you finaly started courses in Marketing and here we are 5 years later by yourself above it all, at the peak of every French team and even towering over myself who held the top position for 7 years.
I admit that sometimes your decision making has been risky but that is exactly what to paid off at the end, the fact that you know how to manage the risk, your objective analysis and all your vilition of magnitude
I wish you the best in your life and I hope that you enjoyed your place on the throne appropriately this year because you deserve it but in the end I will remin you to be well prepared for the results of the coming year because Now you have to go off by yourself and build your own team, so that you would face my own team that I have been building for the past 2 years.
Once again congratulations for this deserved place, for your work that has paid off, for me, I will see you next time so that the best of us wins.
Michael laloy